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Batam 1.96 GW Solar and 680 MW CCGT Power Plant

Uncharted Power is providing PM support for Calypte Holding and their partners to develop a 1.96 GW Solar and 680 MW CCGT power plant on an island near Batam (Indonesia) for potentially export to potential import license holder as part of the Singapore’s Energy Market Authority's Request for Proposal 2 (RFP2) tender bid.

The project includes locations in Batam spanning about 2317 hectares of land in total. The energy provided can power up to 20 industrialized smart farms each about the size of 20 football fields or 4 semi-conductor factories.

When the Project is completed in 2028, Indonesia will strengthen its stewardship in reducing carbon emissions as a key player in creating a more sustainable and habitable environment in the region for generations to come.

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